Sunday, September 14, 2008


Banth Singh with Arundathi Roy and team who visited him in
St.Stephans hospital, New Delhi
photo: Sajeed Mohiyudheen



How can I introduce you this brave fighter, who shouts slogans even when he is wriggling in breath taking pain, after being his both arms and leg were cut. One thing is for sure, the word 'brave' is clearly insufficient.He was made nearly dead in his fight against unwritten rules prevailed, in which dalits (Dalit denotes the lower caste in the Indian society) are treated as a place to vent the sexual desires and muscular power of upper class and where dalits are to carry excreta. Still what? Every drop of blood drawn became alive. Cut off arms and leg made him stronger. Even when caste embedded media kings tried to bury him in cellars of rejection, this revolutionist remained capturing many hearts - crossing all regional boundaries.This is Bant singh- Lion of Mansa! Those who tried to silence him went wrong. In a country where the liberties guaranteed by the constitution are little more than a phantasm, and the hierarchical privileges of caste and class the reality, Bant Singh had been punished for being found guilty of an unforgivable crime!! He had shown faith in the rule of law, and sufficient persistence to fight a prolonged legal battle to bring to justice three men guilty of the sexual assault of his minor daughter.Today, mothers of rural India who are not sure about their next course of meal, sing the story of Bant singh to sooth their starving kids. Every Indian girl who is abused even in their mothers' womb is getting courage to live and feel protected through Bant singh- a proud father!

Punjab, the agrarian State of India with 31% of dalits in its total population is notorious for rejecting basic rights of this segment. Indian National Congress Party and Akalidal Party who are only interested in safeguarding upper-class Sikhs were never bothered by the lower class botherations. So all the evils of Cast based agricultural system were spread without any hindrance. When obese Sardars dance after harvest in mustard and wheat fields, their workers struggle to meet their both ends. Bant singh was born and brought up in Burj Jhabbervillage in Mansa district. Seeing his father's and elder brothers' struggle to keep themselves alive in their landlords' fields from morning to night and still could barely earn hand to mouth, Bant Singh set his mind to free the coming generation from these miseries. He was fuelled by the songs of resurrection sung by Sant Ram Udasi. His favorable disposition towards left movements kindled his revolutionary sense. He never approached a landlord seeking a job. He raised poultry yard & piggery and looked after his family. He made beautiful toys, went around in local markets and sold. He could prove that a dalit can live without begging in landlords' kitchen. He has taken care of in dignity, his ailing wife Harbans Kour, aged father and eight kids. He organized people against those who exploit poor. He became the local leader of Masdoor Mukthimorcha, a left wing outfit. By preparing mass signed memoranda he was able to cancel the license of a ration shop owner, Amrik Singh who committed frauds in distributing groceries to the poor. He enabled dalits to approach police and legal procedures against cruelty and exploitations by upper class. Thus Bant singh created numerous reasons to make the landlords furious. When things are going like that, his 17 year old daughter was gang raped on 2002 July 06. Hunting for dalit girls is a one another hobby of riches in Punjab. No parents so far bothered to complain, fearing about the girl's future. But Bant Singh was not willing to allow injustice. Then came higher authorities with a tone of compromise. One million Indian rupees and ornaments were offered for not raising a complaint. Bant singh categorically refused their offers and told very clearly that a girl's pride cannot be measured in money and gold. Accused had money and political influence. Still Bant singh refused to withdraw. Comrades of the political movement in which he believed stood by him and strengthened his courage. Bant Singh did the impossible. Manza additional session's judge convicted accused in rape case for life imprisonment. That legal battle was sufficient to bring dalit up from the depths of denial of justice and negligence He won the battle, in the court, and in the hearts of the oppressed. Bant singh and family faced threats as a reaction of court judgment. His elder brother Hansa singh was forced to migrate to another village. Bant singh and friends faced several physical attack attempts. Bant singh was brutally attacked on 2006 January when he was returning from a party meeting. He was assaulted near his home village. This was done as a lesson for the dalits who attempts to react and to fight Left for dead by his assailants, he was denied attention at the district hospital, except on payment of an inducement that was plainly beyond his means. His condition deteriorated badly and three of his limbs had to be amputated when he was finally placed under competent medical care. Remaining leg was covered with iron rods. When gained consciousness Bant singh said: "They left my real weapons intact. My tongue, my voice, my mind.I can still sing. I will remain fighting". Attempts to save upper-class people who attacked Bant Sigh were failed before people's unity. While main stream political organizations and media continued their usual silence a Delhi based human rights organization Forum for democratic initiative's enquiry committee revealed this cold blooded cruelty to the outside world.Bant singh changed freedom consciousness of Punjab dalit considerably. Violence's were reduced considerably. Even if it happens, people now have the courage to demand justice.But 10 month long hospitalisation stopped ways of income for Bant Singh family. The sexually abused girl is now married and mother to a kid. The accused who gave appeal against Sessions Court verdict were behind these young women with offers. The girl says, "My father never stopped fighting for me, I will never stop fighting for my father. I am proud to be a daughter of such a great man. If they ever come with money, I will face them with bricks - Let those who think to bury women's justice by pumping money and by making mock enquiries beware".

Bant singh was admitted in St.Stephans hospital New Delhi for medical rehabilitation and best possible prosthetic aids. Bant singh explained his future plans to team lead by Booker Prize winner Arundathi Roy who visited him . Let those who feel that the suppressed will remain victims always be ready to change their opinion. Days yet to come are days of battle of survival. I am getting ready to raise my voice against any injustice in any part of the country; I will be able to walk in the battlefield. I even will be able to run...

Bant singh is becoming another synonym for the word 'revolution' like Bhagat singh, gifted by Punjab to the world. Wish that the flame kindled by Bant Singh, who become a living legend,

be a lantern for the suppressed and let him acquire his place in history

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